Common Dreams...
Below are our articles on the subject of Common Dreams. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Dreams of Being Chased
Dreams of being chased are usually the result of stress, anxiety, and/or pressure in your life. Try stress-reducing techniques such as meditation to try to prevent…...

Dreams of Being Lost
Dreams of being lost may occur when you are faced with the unfamiliar or when you have lost a friend. Examine your life to determine what and who is important....

Dreams of Falling
A falling dream indicates you are overwhelmed with your day to day activities and feeling out of control. Try to lessen your workload to reduce the dreams of falling....

Dreams of Flying
Dreaming you are flying can be a freeing and invigorating experience. Soaring above the scenery and landscape, you may be able to see your past and future during the…...

Dreams of Losing or Finding Something
If you dream of losing someone, try to find out why you fear this person leaving. If you dream of finding someone, it may be a sign that your relationship is at a new…...

Dreams of Public Nudity
A dream of public nudity may mean you fear being exposed in some way or you fear being caught off guard in certain situations....

Dreams of Teeth or Hair Falling Out
If you have a dream that you are losing your hair or teeth, you may be preoccupied with growing older and dissatisfied with your current physical appearance....

Dreams of Testing or Being Back at School
Dreams of being back in school or failing a test are common. They can be positive or negative, generally based on how you felt about school and any current worries in…...

Dreams of the Phone Not Working
Whether you dream you cannot dial a number or you are put on hold, a dream of a phone not working can symbolize a lack of communication with another person or yourself....

Dreams of Transportation
Many people dream of traveling by boat, airplane, or train. Each has its own significance to what is going on in your life and may be able to help you deal with…...

Dreams of Travel
Dreams of travel can result in disaster, but many times, the mode of transportation in the dream is representative of our path in life or a current situation we are…...

Dreams of Water
Dreams involving water can be relaxing or tumultuous. They are closely associated with feelings – either positive or negative – about an ongoing situation in your life....

The Meaning Of Common Dream Symbols
Common dream symbols, such as guns or elevators, often turn up in a dream to let us know that we feel threatened or stressed by a person or situation....