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Dreams of Being Chased

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 16 Sep 2020 | comments*Discuss
Dreams Chase Dreams Dreaming Anxiety

People often wonder what secret meaning their dreams hold. One of the most common dreams people experience is that of being chased. Some people will find themselves chased by an attacker, some may be chased by dogs, and others may even be chased by bizarre things such as aliens or robots. Regardless, you feel that it is a life or death situation and you must run as fast as you can to escape your attacker because you know that whatever is chasing you, it means to do you harm. But what exactly does the chase dream really mean? Is there a way to stop dreaming that someone or something is chasing you?

Cause of Chase Dreams
Usually, when you experience a dream in which you are being chased, the cause behind it is anxiety, stress, or pressure in your life. If you were being confronted on a dark street by a menacing looking person, what would be your first instinct? You would try to run, wouldn’t you? The same holds true for our dreams. When anxiety and pressure become too much for us to deal with, it often shows up in our dreams. We do what should come naturally - we run from it. But, we often avoid doing that in day-to-day life. Many people will have reoccurring chase dreams – often being chased by the same type of predator – whenever they feel stressed or anxious about something.

What is causing the chase dream is what you need to explore. Examine your life to see what area may be causing you frustration or worry. Are you are having difficulties at work? These problems may have you feeling tense and while you need to act normally while awake, the worry can manifest into chase dreams at night. Maybe someone in your life is ill and there is nothing you can do to make him or her feel better. The frustration of this may cause you to dream about being chased by an attacker, when the attacker is really the illness chasing you. Even highly successful people often experience chase dreams. While they may look like they have everything to the outside world, they may feel that they need to do more and stay driven to keep on top. The attacker chasing them may be the embodiment of failure.

Childhood Chase Dreams
Some chase dreams actually begin in childhood. Not knowing how to deal with certain stressful situations or irrational fears, children may have dreams of being chased. Once that child reaches adulthood, when under pressure, the chase dream may reappear. For example, a child who dreams of the boogieman chasing him may grow to adulthood, only to find he has the same reoccurring dream when faced with stressful situations.

Understanding and Stopping Chase Dreams
Chase dreams are never pleasant to experience, but they are a good gage as to what is going on in your life and changes that need to be made. Stress is a major factor behind many other illnesses, such as heart attacks. If you are experiencing chase dreams, it is your body’s natural way of telling you to slow down and find ways to alleviate the stress. Try to understand where the points of stress or pressure are and take any actions you can to ease those situations. Look into ways to help reduce stress including meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy.

Easing your stressful situation or learning to cope with the pressure may help you rid yourself of chase dreams. If you find that frequent chase dreams are causing you to wake up during the night and are making you sleep deprived, you may want to consult your physician or psychiatrist for further information.

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I had a new nightmare that I have never experienced before where I was with two other people I could not recognize. One was male (older) and another was female (younger). We were being chased by this huge robot that looked and acted like a dinosaur. No true reason why we were being chased but we were able to out run it most of the time and hide from it as long as we were behind a solid object or surface where it had a harder time to detect us. We ran far and into a place that was familiar to me, which was a cottage I grew up by. We ran into someone’s apartment to hide only to hear the pounding of this robots feet getting closer. Eventually it found us but luckily, the apartment we were inside was a van and another man who lived there drove off with us to escape. As we were driving away, we saw how everything in our path was ruined and that is when I woke up. I am just curious as to what the symbolism behind being chased specifically by a huge robot is and escaping.
Ash - 16-Sep-20 @ 5:14 PM
I keep having a dream of my daughter running after me while I'm on my motorcycle on the high way. And I hear her yelling daddy wait daddy wait. And as she catches me I start to lose control of the motor cycle and right before I crash I wake up.
lone wolf - 5-Jun-14 @ 5:53 AM
I have this dream every month usually 2 to 3 times. It's dark out with a full moon. I'm standing at this tree I can see around me from the light of the full moon,and feel like something is watching me from the trees all around me. That's when I sense something coming for me( who or what I don't know) but I run and I see this barn. So I run to it run inside and I keep allying in holes filed with snakes,rats, scorpions. I get out of the holes and I run back out of the barn from a different door. But when I come out of the barn I'm at the same tree from the beginning. But there is a black wolf there waiting. It doesn't hurt me. And I wake up. But the wolf made me feel safe and like it was trying to say something but what I don't know.
Penny - 3-Apr-13 @ 3:01 AM
Thank you for your help that's great.
cc - 14-Apr-11 @ 2:15 PM
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