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Dreams of Being Lost

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 1 Jan 2023 | comments*Discuss
Dreams Dreaming Lost Dreams Dreaming Of

You know where you are going and you think you have taken the correct route. But suddenly nothing looks familiar. You look around to try to locate where you need to be, but you feel disoriented. You even ask someone for directions, but when you try to follow the directions, they seem to make no sense. You cannot even retrace your steps to return to your starting point!

Did you ever have a dream like that? A dream in which you are sure you know where you are going, only to find yourself lost? Having a dream of being lost is very common. It can make you feel confused and irritated when you cannot find the right way to where you want to go. Some dreams may include looking for a lost friend. What is the “lost” dream all about? How does it reflect upon what is going on in our real lives? Can we learn from dreams like this?

Losing Your Way
Dreams of being lost can vary and have many different meanings. The type of dream mentioned above is your mind’s way of telling you that you have lost your way in life. Are you paying attention to what is really important in life, or are insignificant things draining you of all your time and attention? If so, you may be losing focus of the big picture. Stop and re-evaluate your life. Make sure that significant areas in your life – marriage, children, and spirituality – are not being ignored because you have no time for them.

Unfamiliar Surroundings
Another “lost” dream scenario is similar to the first one, but this time, you may find yourself in a scary neighbourhood. You are so frightened to be there that stopping to ask for directions is not a possibility. The only thing you want to do is get home, but no matter which way you turn, you cannot seem to find your way. You may awaken scared and fearful. This type of lost dream may signify a difficult decision with which you are being faced. One route may be familiar, but keep you from what you really want. The other route may be unfamiliar, but ultimately will be more satisfying.

Look at your life closely to see what decisions may be making you uncomfortable. For example, maybe you are thinking of leaving your hometown of many years to move closer to family. While the prospect of leaving something as familiar to you as your hometown is scary, the ability to be closer to family – both physically and emotionally – will be a greater payoff in the end. Maybe you are thinking about leaving a job that is boring, but comfortable to start a new career, doing something you love, but with an unpredictable future. Look closely at your choices to see which one would ultimately make you happier. It is always frightening to leave the familiar, but the payoff of an important change could be immense.

Losing Someone Important
Yet another type of lost dream is one in which you lose someone important to you. Maybe you are shopping and you lose a friend and spend the dream searching for them. Of course, you never find them in your dream and you wake up feeling frustrated and sad. The meaning of this type of “lost” dream is pretty clear-cut. Think of people in your life and determine if there is someone important, with which you have lost contact. Examine why that person is no longer in your life. It may be that the reason you lost contact with them now seems petty. If so, contacting that person may put your mind at ease.

Dreams of being lost can be scary – after all, no one likes to feel like they are wandering aimlessly and cannot find their way home. Take time to examine your life, re-evaluate your priorities, see what pressing decisions you have to deal with or what friendships have been lost and for what reasons. If you can sort through those feelings, you may find your dreams of being lost going vanishing.

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This is very accurate for me. You have put in words, that which I could not explain myself. I did not have the words to verbalize what I was seeing and feeling.
Rosa - 1-Jan-23 @ 8:27 PM
I dreamed that I was lost in a huge, over complicated version of my college apartment building. My memory of the dream begins walking through a larger version of my college dorm late at night. I felt unsure that it actually was my room, and was unsure of who was in the room, as it was mostly pitch black. Stumbling through the room I found items of clothing belonging to myself and my real roommates, yet something still felt off about the room. I was started by another man my age sitting up in a bed across the room who I did not recognize. He seemed to illuminate as I looked towards him. I continued to search around until I found a bathroom, which I investigated for a short while before leaving. Sometime during my continued search of the room, the man went into the bathroom. The knowledge that he was there and awake generated a sense of extreme panic within me, and forced me to leave the room and go out into the hotel. The individual rooms somewhat resembled those in my real apartment, but the overall structure of the building was a huge hotel, with multiple floors. The lobbies, hallways and open spaces of the hotel resembled the infamous “back rooms” and replicated the eerie, unsettling feeling typically associated with them. There was no sound in the hotel. Numerous people roamed the hotel, including many that appeared to be college students, and despite my crippling fear of them, acted normal and polite. One man kindly insisted I board an escalator before him, even though I offered him to go first. For some reason, I felt confident I needed to find the 5th floor (even though my real apartment is on the 6th floor). A sign hanging above the escalatordisplayed directions to the different floors. The appearance of the text of the sign was ordinary and uniform for floors 1-4. However, the text that read “Floor 5” was written in multi-colored letters in a sloppy fashion, much like the messy writing of a child. Trembling, I head down the elevator towards the 5th floor, and shortly thereafter, wake up feeling anxious enough to write it all down here.
WillB - 26-Nov-22 @ 6:17 AM
I had a dream that I went to my neighbours house but couldn’t find my way home. It wasn’t that i was lost, I just couldn’t work out how to get out and get home. Every where I turned it seemed unfamiliar. I went into an arcade game thinking it was the right way, it was called ‘Sky’s The Limit’. When I went to go on it, I realised it was not the way home, I panicked and felt light headed and nauseous and had to get off. I woke without finding my way home. It was very vivid and I felt unnerved by it when I woke up
Sam - 11-Nov-22 @ 7:51 AM
I keep having a dream where I am trying to leave a building or a concert. It is always some kind of event. Or I'm trying to get somewhere and I keep having to get my things together before I go. As I try to leave I fall from one level to the next and objects fall with me and then I try again and fall again. For example last night. I was in a warehouse with pipes, boards, sheetrock, tools, you name it. Anything to do with construction. I would fall like in an avalanche with everything falling around me to another level but I could never get to the door to get out. What the heck? This is recurring and I'm in different scenarios but it's always the same concept. HELP!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
Liz - 11-Jun-21 @ 6:46 AM
I.ve had the same dream several times now, i.m in like a amusement park the entrance is behind me which looks like something from jurassic park,all the park is 1 way so i have to go through several play areas yo get to the exit but i can.t find the exit,i find maps but i always end up back at the entrance but still can.t get out,i can.t see anyone to help me to find a way out, 3rd time i.ve had the dream and never found the exit.
Lynn_lexi - 9-Dec-20 @ 9:09 PM
I had a dream last night, that I'm lost with the other places. The first place that I'm going there is my school. I walked for 30 mins to find my way to home and then, I saw a dog without a chain was barking at me and running after me until I found a friend which is my former classmate to help me to find a way back to home and another friend came, I think he is my brotherhood in our church. I was asking help for them to find and go back to my home and my friend in brotherhood helping me and they have rented a car which is color green and then we reached our destination. The second one, but i was terrified with this unknown place because it is so messy and I think it is a warehouse. I saw the other men there and im so afraid to asking help to them because I dont have a trust for them so that I find my way on how to get there and finally I'm out of here in this messy place. And the last one is this, I'm walking into another unknown place and many people there and I think this is divisoria. In my dream, i'm wearing a beautiful dress and my appearance is good. While I'm walking into that place, I saw my mother and she asked me to find a temporary job so I worked there in a bake and pastry shop and I'm failed to work with it because this is not my passion and after that she treat me into a restaurant.
eloisa - 12-Nov-20 @ 9:59 AM
I had a dream last night, that I'm lost with the other places. The first place that I'm going there is my school. I walked for 30 mins to find my way to home and then, I saw a dog without a chain was barking at me and running after me until I found a friend which is my former classmate to help me to find a way back to home and another friend came, I think he is my brotherhood in our church. I was asking help for them to find and go back to my home and my friend in brotherhood helping me and they have rented a car which is color green and then we reached our destination. The second one, but i was terrified with this unknown place because it is so messy and I think it is a warehouse. I saw the other men there and im so afraid to asking help to them because I dont have a trust for them so that I find my way on how to get there and finally I'm out of here in this messy place. And the last one is this, I'm walking into another unknown place and many people there and I think this is divisoria. In my dream, i'm wearing a beautiful dress and my appearance is good. While I'm walking into that place, I saw my mother and she asked me to find a temporary job so I worked there in a bake and pastry shop and I'm failed to work with it because this is not my passion and after that she treat me into a restaurant.
eloisa - 12-Nov-20 @ 9:56 AM
I had a dream last night, that I'm lost with the other places. The first place that I'm going there is my school. I walked for 30 mins to find my way to home and then, I saw a dog without a chain was barking at me and running after me until I found a friend which is my former classmate to help me to find a way back to home and another friend came, I think he is my brotherhood in our church. I was asking help for them to find and go back to my home and my friend in brotherhood helping me and they have rented a car which is color green and then we reached our destination. The second one, but i was terrified with this unknown place because it is so messy and I think it is a warehouse. I saw the other men there and im so afraid to asking help to them because I dont have a trust for them so that I find my way on how to get there and finally I'm out of here in this messy place. And the last one is this, I'm walking into another unknown place and many people there and I think this is divisoria. In my dream, i'm wearing a beautiful dress and my appearance is good. While I'm walking into that place, I saw my mother and she asked me to find a temporary job so I worked there in a bake and pastry shop and I'm failed to work with it because this is not my passion and after that she treat me into a restaurant.
eloisa - 12-Nov-20 @ 9:54 AM
I dreamed I was with my partner heading to an examination center to take an exam . My partner was driving . He dropped me off inftont of the building and he left to find a park place .it was a big line people were waiting for the gate to open. I waited too. All of the sudden I realised I left my mask and face shield in the car . Called my partner to hurry up . He came and brought me only my mask . I was frustrated. We entered the building , we were assigned as 2nd year college exam , there were couple of old and new buildings , I turned back . My partner wasn’t there anymore . My phone died . I checked my bag, my examination card was lost too. I got lost searching and whom ever I saw on the way to show me the direction of my examination room,seemed all wrong...I was lost in the middle of a very big compound with lots of old and new departments . I didn’t care about my exam anymore. All I was hoping was to find my partner again.
Moesof - 28-Oct-20 @ 12:00 AM
I’ve had a weird dream wherein I am in a school and I was looking for my friends, and in my dream it shows that we were in the same place and the same floor at the same time, we’re both looking for each other but we cannot see each other. It was kind of like a parallel universe to me, it felt like I was watching those people and myself find each other but they were just in the same place passing each other without knowing. And the last part is even weirder because I found my friends in a place that looks like a cave but in a city or normal neighboorhood and they were trying to escape from there because there’s a tiger. They eventually got out of the place.
kim - 21-Oct-20 @ 6:25 PM
I dreamed i was riding scooty to visit my friend but then i lost my way..the path which seemed familiar turned into unknown place surrounded by unknown people.. i was scared and crying, finding my way back to home but no one helped, i kept running leaving behind my vehicle and at the end there was no path further.. I could see only huge pit holes filled with water and no place to walk, where i woke up being scared.
Sonu - 19-Sep-20 @ 4:30 AM
I dreamed I was driving my car and nothing looked familiar. I parked my car some men got in and they were lost too . We went into an office building and asked someone where Baltimre was and he didn’t know. Got back in car driving, we saw someone who looked reliable got out of car and asked this friendly man where Baltimore was. He gave a complicated answer that we could not understand. We walked to a park, there was 4 of us sat on the grass next to a group of men. I was very agitated, I wanted to hit someone. Did get someone to say that Baltimore was 18 miles and pointed in the direction but as I drove nothing looked familiar and I gave up and felt I had lost my mind. Was very scared, woke up and decided to write about my dream. Am wondering whether Trazadone 50 mg that I recently started taking 3 weeks agoand had just increased dose to 75mg per my psychatrist could be The cause of my bad dream
Gus - 8-Sep-20 @ 11:07 AM
I dream about I lost familiar road but can nit find the path but some onevery close find me and help me..what does It signifies?
Eleena - 15-Aug-20 @ 6:17 AM
I dreamt of this house which I'm not familiar with and I was observing the doves they were all over the yard and playing on top of the roof, on the other hand I saw white vervet monkeys also playing on top of the roof, then one of the monkeys descent on my shoulder, then I woke up with the feeling that something was on top of me.Please help me what could this dream mean.
Nicky - 29-Jul-20 @ 9:40 AM
Hello I had a dream and i was coming from my mother in law's house but on my way back i was driving then all of a sudden i was walking and i got lost and mostly it was a gravel road but got lost in between the houses then came across my late uncle, i ask hin for the directions, he gave me directions but still got lost, what can such a dream mean?
Tebza - 29-Jul-20 @ 5:44 AM
Hello I had a dream and i was ciming grom my mother in law's house but in my way back i was driving then all of a sudden i was walking and i got lost and mostly it was a gravel road but got list in between the houses then came across my late uncle, i azk them fir the directions, they gave me directions but still got lost, what can such a dream mean?
Tebza - 29-Jul-20 @ 5:37 AM
I dreamed I traveled from Seattle to denver then my GPS took me to a large office building full of people working for the same company. The company designed and manufactured cell phones ( no name of company in the dream) I walked right in no one was at the main entrance. I wandered around the building for a long time got lost Could not find my way out. Then woke up
Holyangels - 14-Jun-20 @ 2:31 PM
I was running in a road while it is midnight. Then somehow the road I was running to was getting darker and darker. Then all of a sudden, I feel that I got lost along the way. Then I remember a word "You must never go to the place of no return. For once you got there, there's no way to save you" and I tried to trace back my steps but nothing seems familiar to me. That's when I recognized that the place I was, was the place of no return. I cried and screamed for help but no one seems to be there except for an old man with a stick asking if I was lost. And when I told him that I was lost he told me no one will ever come to you for this was the place of no return. I asked him what shall I do to return to the real world and he told me to help him. I tried my best to help him to the point that he told me that he was once like me but when help was there for him he brushed him off and therefore he didn't return and stayed there for years. But he told me perhaps I can return because of who am I. And so he told me to never return to this place or else nobody can save me anymore. He holds my cheeks and I was envelop by light and returned to the world I was once were and saw my family searching for me.
Ayumu - 7-Jun-20 @ 1:28 PM
JARA ZENA - 20-May-20 @ 7:40 AM
I dreamt I'm trying to get back tomy son father and grand daughter at a diner but not matter where I trun anydirections it's like I'm in a circle but I'mlost I cannot get to themIm so worry crying because it's getting later and I have to get home to get my other grand daughter a baby left home by herself I dream I bought a bike and then it was stolen...I'm asking for directions from the police to get to the city and they to cannot give directions..I was crying and was so hurt and scared I got up crying I was do happy when I got up and was home ...
Glory - 29-Mar-20 @ 11:50 PM
I dreamt that aim lessly i am walking on high way.big trucks are passing by but I am not worried ,after some time I try to return back and found my late mother came to take me and my alive father's voice is coming like hug. But astonishing fact is that I was completely unaware that I am married and I have my wife and my married daughter ,whom love very much.
Shyamal - 24-Mar-20 @ 11:15 AM
Dream: shopping with female friends. Not close friends...my husband's family. Found a bathroom. When left bathroom cannot find them. I was in a store like downtown Daytons/Macy's. Furniture department. Kept walking and looking for them....ran into an old boss I had liked in an area like an office with desks and file cabinets but no other people. She had no idea where friends were. She suggested they left the building.. I kept walking through different departments with clothes hanging and then shelves of boxes taller than me. My boss was the only person I saw...but I saw what looked like crushed ice on floor like a spilled drink...or maybe broken glass..maybe drugs? . confused/worried me...my friends were not from the city...worried they got in the middle of something bad.. .. took escalator down to street level to main doors. Woke up. Confused. Dream very vivid. Very upsetting.
Pam - 2-Mar-20 @ 3:39 PM
It’s a crazy dream need help dnt know watt it means ........ I was in pitch black place in front on me was something wearing ahooded robe trying to make me follow it dnt know if it was a person it’s was confusing
Chuck - 20-Dec-19 @ 10:46 AM
Hi, i have dreamt of being with a friend. We were waiting for a transportation/jeepney to ride home but no car seems to go in the destination we wanted so we decided that we'll go in my old house to sleep there. When we arrived the place doesnt look very familiar but my friend seems to know it, i later called my mok asking for help, she gave us directions and advices but nothing seemed to work until we just waited there and waited
Tin - 1-Nov-19 @ 1:26 AM
I dreamed I was walk to a place, felt like home, and I what what get lost, looking back I see where I need to be, but trying to get there the more I get lost lost, and there is always alot of people, funny I don't even ask for directions. Same dream happened I was in a mall, and don't know where I need to be, but always see the way and can't get to it. Other time was in a train, seeing my train but couldn't get to it, and end up leaving.??
Keak - 18-Oct-19 @ 5:57 PM
HI, I had a bad dream and i heard myself crying with a sound of my voice, me and my fiancee went for vacation in my place, and we went to one location, we dropped by to my relative house and we are talking at that time, i do something inside of the house for a few hours and do expect that my boyfriend was within the compound only. I went to find him and could not find him, as he likes to go walking by himself alone sometimes, so i tried to find him around the area but could not find him anymore nor i could not contact him anymore been worried as the it rains as well, from that moment i am so helpless to find him as he lost the way going home.I'm really scared and was crying ...
CHE - 5-Oct-19 @ 11:12 AM
I had a drram last night that I was driving during the night and somewhat got lost. I wasn't sure where i was coming from, but i felt scared that something or someone might appear out of nowhere. Also, I'm still learning to drive in waking life ??
Lorns - 28-Sep-19 @ 1:09 PM
I dreamt last night that I went to a bar with boyfriend that we often went to (but it doesn't look like it at all). We decided to go home but we didn't find any means of transportation, so we decided to walk home with me guiding the way home (I said I'm familiar of the way home), even if we weren't sure how to go home. We were walking to a familiar highway (but really doesn't look like the highway in reality) and people coming home from work were walking with us. There was a girl who we saw who placed an ice in her lunchbox and hoping to take home. We pass a highway with the houses on the side that we were walking and we saw kids and teens playing outside the streets, where we even saw one male kid playing volleyball, and was hitting the ball so high we can still see it fly from afar. We also took another route where we saw of a place (a private resort that looks like a log cabin) we can consider our wedding reception venue. We walked through an intersection with elevated U-turn, when I got confused where to go. Finally, I saw jeepneys passing by, and we walked to the corner where there are jeepneys passing by enroute to my boyfriend's house, and the other route going to my house. I told my boyfriend he should go home, and likewise, but he was insisting I go to their house instead so we could rest there, since his house route was shorter than mine. The ambiance of the dream was light, I laughed a lot of times (my boyfriend was awake playing video games and he hear me laugh while sleeping), and it was late afternoon setting. I woke up without deciding where will I go.
Kai - 25-Sep-19 @ 6:45 AM
I dreamt last night that I went to a bar with boyfriend that we often went to (but it doesn't look like it at all). We decided to go home but we didn't find any means of transportation, so we decided to walk home with me guiding the way home (I said I'm familiar of the way home), even if we weren't sure how to go home. We were walking to a familiar highway (but really doesn't look like the highway in reality) and people coming home from work were walking with us. There was a girl who we saw who placed an ice in her lunchbox and hoping to take home. We pass a highway with the houses on the side that we were walking and we saw kids and teens playing outside the streets, where we even saw one male kid playing volleyball, and was hitting the ball so high we can still see it fly from afar. We also took another route where we saw of a place (a private resort that looks like a log cabin) we can consider our wedding reception venue. We walked through an intersection with elevated U-turn, when I got confused where to go. Finally, I saw jeepneys passing by, and we walked to the corner where there are jeepneys passing by enroute to my boyfriend's house, and the other route going to my house. I told my boyfriend he should go home, and likewise, but he was insisting I go to their house instead so we could rest there, since his house route was shorter than mine. The ambiance of the dream was light, I laughed a lot of times (my boyfriend was awake playing video games and he hear me laugh while sleeping), and it was late afternoon setting. I woke up without deciding where will I go.
Kai - 25-Sep-19 @ 6:45 AM
I had a dream where I was running from wolf's but then they left. I was on my way home but when I got to my street I teleported(?) to a different neighborhood that I have never seen. There was my friends I asked for directions and when I followed the directions I ended up at the same place. I was confused on to why that was happening. Then I woke up. I don’t know what that means. Also I have never moved.
Monse - 9-Sep-19 @ 2:57 AM
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