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What Triggers Dreams About Being Attacked?

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 2 Apr 2021 | comments*Discuss
What Triggers Dreams About Being Attacked?


Can you explain what triggers dreams/nightmares about being attacked (and also mess and clutter)?

I am 78 yrs old and have had recurring dreams such as these for over 20 years and am now seeking some clarification.

(IW, 13 February 2009)


Dreaming of being attacked is actually quite common. In some cases, people who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder or some other type of anxiety ailment due to an actual physical attack may dream of being attacked as their psyche still tries to deal with the incident.

More than likely though, a dream of being attacked is generally triggered by the suppression or fear of something going on in your life. While in your dream, you may be attacked by any number of things – a man, a monster, or a wild animal – but, what is actually attacking you is some disturbing area in your life that you may not notice or may think you have under control during waking hours. When we don’t openly acknowledge our fears, they show up in our dreams, where our minds are much freer and open to feelings.

Look at all aspects of your life and try to pinpoint the area of stress. You say you have had this dream off and on for 20 years. Go back 20 years and see what was going on in your life. Did you retire when you were 58? If you did, was it of your own free will or were you forced to due to an illness? Or, had you ever worked outside the home? Maybe you felt guilty and less than useful being a homemaker. It may be that at 58, you were re-examining your youth and realized you missed out on something – getting married, having children, having a career.

And, it may be that at 58, you began to realize that your body was getting older and time was no longer on your side. Many of us think when we are young that we will never get old, but in your forties and fifties, you really begin to notice physical and mental changes and realize that age is creeping up on you.

If the anxiety that goes with aging is not dealt with, but only suppressed, what is “attacking” you in your dreams is the fear of getting older and eventually death. The dreams of clutter and mess could be that you feel if you died today, there would be areas that would be left in chaos, where it is something physical like the clutter in your home or mental like having a will or telling people you love them.

If that is the case, you may want to seek counseling. Twenty years is a long time to have reoccurring dreams and it may take a professional to help you deal with the issues. If you cannot afford counseling, talk to family and friends about this anxiety and try to come to terms with it. Meditate on seeking peace with this problem each night before you go to sleep. Recognize the anxiety, but concentrate on not allowing it to creep into your dreams anymore.

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I just had a dream that I was being attacked from some guy. In my dream he was smoking in my yard so I opened my door telling him that I was gonna call the police if he didn’t leave my yard, he threw his cigarette and came chasing towards me as soon as I slammed my screen door holding it shut, my child was crying and screaming, I remember panicking in my dream thinking what should I do, all of sudden I had this piece of wood with nails sticking out of it in my hand so I went outside and started hitting the guy with it. He didn’t go down from being hit in the arms and back, he kept fighting back taking every hit i thru at him, my husband came walking up, seen what was going on and started attacking the man, he kept trying to go around him and attack me so I hit him in the head twice, first hit to the side of the head (he still didn’t go down) and last on top of the head, he started to seize out so my husband and I carried him out of the yard and when we were was doing that my neighbour was outside recording, saying he was documenting everything just in case I needed it when the cops came. A cop came rolling up, asking what happened so we were telling him and half way thru the conversation the man woke up and tried saying I attacked him, as this is all happening I’m thinking of my child, getting anxiety thinking about how dare he try turning this around on me so I remembered that I had a home security system and that my door bell caught everything so when I mentioned that, the guy got even more angry, ripped out the wood that was in his head and tried attacking me again in front of the police officer, the first time he tried the officer told him to back up and let me show him what happened, as soon as I took my eye off the attacker he tried attacking again and for some reason I was in handcuffs but my hands were cuffed in the front. I tried running around the police officer but he had hold of me not realizing the attacker had his weapon and was gonna hit him in the head with it, I remember thinking to myself in my dream that I felt unsafe so I started to fight my way out of the officer’s hands and as I’m trying to wiggle loose I see the attacker with a metal bar striking towards me and the officer so I swung myself back from being hit, I seen the officer standing there looking at me with a blank look in his eyes and blood dripping down from his head. I got caught off guard from what I seen and as soon as the attacker swung that bar at me, I woke up hyperventilating and overheating. I got up grabbed my phone to check the cams to see if my son was awake, but he was peacefully sleeping so that was reassuring for me to see but I still can’t fall back to sleep after what happened in my dream. I’m scared that I’m gonna repeat the bad dream which usually happens when I awake from any time of dream that to myself felt unfinished..
HoneyB - 2-Apr-21 @ 8:49 AM
I had a dream for a week straight about my ex-best friend and my ex-boyfriend and mother attacking me. In one of my dreams, I had an anxiety attack so bad that I was shaking when I woke up. When I close my eyes at night even for one second I just image a figure attacking me. I feel like everyone is after me. A lot of people have been attacking me in real life too. I can't sleep at night because I am afraid that won't wake up. I really hate that feeling.
Br - 20-Dec-20 @ 2:36 AM
Very real and vivid crazy dream Out socialising with a friend then a random drunk man approaches me for a cigarette, before I say yes he just throws himself onto me which at first felt like a mugging but then became apparent he is intoxicated. This same man then continues to re appear like 3/4 times harassing and attacking me and even throwing stuff at me which I felt the impact from off my head, No one helps but I manage to escape him and then I’m at home. The dream gets weirder at home. I’m suddenly walking down the stairs from being upstairs and find the front door open, I shut it too and as I inspected the rest of the house downstairs I can see from the kitchen the back door is open too which scares me, I’m thinking is this man in the house. I struggle to use my phone as tho I’ve got no signal. And this is the twist. My attention suddenly goes towards the bathroom and I can see the floor is covered in water. I enter to find the bath full with a dark purple coloured water and as I get closer I can see the outline of a body submerged. I grabbed the shoulders pulled up the body and it was my sister, She younger than me but the image in my head I can still picture it was a younger version of herself. her eyes were dark purple like the water very scary but then I realised she was okay and breathing, shouted at her as I thought she was dead and then I woke up. Any clue to the message of this disturbing dream please?
Carts lol - 14-Sep-20 @ 7:06 AM
I just had a dream that it wasa windy night and I was living at uncle Henry’s house on Grubb Road in Elida, Ohio with my former bf Steve & Lani my dog, but Lani was a Shih Tzu. The wind blew the panel out of the screen door and so I went out the door in the dark to get the panel & to get the dog back in. A manjumped out from behind the fence and attacked me. He was tall skinny & wirey.I tried to scream for Steve because I Knew he would come save me but I couldn’t get the scream out. I knew I had to scream to save my life but it wouldn’t come out. I woke up to actually crying out in my bed here in sarasota Florida. As I woke up I wanted to snuggle with Steve for comfort...I went to roll over to do that and he wasn’t here What is the meaning of this?
Shell - 14-Aug-20 @ 11:36 AM
I been having dreams of being attacked/robbed while pushing a grocery cart while I’m waiting by a gas pump at a gas station while the person I’m with is inside getting something. It’s usually a group to 3-4 that I fight back against never see faces they are just big and menacing feel to them.Don’t know how it turns out yet as I always seem to wake up when the person I’m with comes running out of the gas station to help me. Also have dreams where cars/trucks are chasing me at my home in the mountains.They are bouncing around and jumping fences climbing the side of the mountains on our property but I do go out there to chase them off and fight back to protect our animals? Am I going nuts?? But about 7 months ago I was rear ended on the interstate have a lot of injuries from the accident and still currently fighting insurance and employer to get the care I need. Just trying to make sense thanks if you can offer any insight.
Chad - 29-Dec-19 @ 2:26 PM
so it was me, ppl from school and a few random people that i don’t even know.. i was coming back from theater for some reason, i was walking home.. which i never do, but then there was these three guys who kept trying to harass me??? i was being strangled by one of em but i got away... i tried running but my legs kept giving out so it was hard for me to keep going but once i got to my house there was this creepy demon thing in the window and my door was stuck and i couldn’t open it all of a sudden the door flies open and i got inside, i then woke up.. the second dream i had when i fell back asleep, was me and a few other people from theater were in my front yard and there were these random people trying to attack us... so when they were attacking us basically they had like chain saws and knives and stuff but the random people snatched michael and then curtis got away, i never saw him later in my dream. but the dude trying to attack ME had a chainsaw, i tried to run away but my legs were slowing down so at the end i just laid down knowing it was the end... he cut off both my arms with the chainsaw and then in my dream i said “my head. just do it.” and he started cutting my head off with it and i woke up and now the back of my neck is burning.. later got up & found scratches on the back of my neck as well.
mack - 27-Nov-19 @ 7:52 PM
I was in my house, in my bedroom with people sleeping. No one would wake up so I went to the kitchen where I apparently found someone who woke up but I couldn't see them, just their laptop. They went to sleep because a monster came and killed those who didn't. As a monster reached inside with a slimy claw hand, I grabbed a wobbly stick and started jabbing it. I felt bad jabbing it, it was disguised as my cousin's wife. There was goo everywhere, but it just left. Went out the door. I barricade the door with chairs and try to find another weapon. I hear a chainsaw outside, after hearing that sound I yeeted the hell out of there.
Ratatouille - 25-Sep-19 @ 4:03 PM
It was winter. Somebody needed some sort of alcohol that required identification at a deli. I didn’t bring my wallet because the alcohol wasn’t for me. I asked my dad for his id because we look similar. He gave me an identification of a trans woman. I got angry and threw his money and identification up in the air at him in the deli. I storm out the deli. I get sucker punched from behind and I say “from behind” as I roll over and see my father; as I lose consciousness in the dream. I wake up in my parents bedroom with my father next to me. He says he took me to his friend hue’s house while I was unconscious. Hue told him I was maintaining. I look in the mirror and I have two minor black eyes.
Chubalishous - 28-Aug-19 @ 10:03 AM
I was alone and drunk in my dream (by alone, I knew no one around me) I kept getting into very dangerous situations. Like I offered a cigarette to a group of men what seems dodgy and I got in an abandoned car which then flipped some now and I lost my keys purse everything. I was so drunk I couldn’t properly walk so to get home I had to use a shopping trolly to support me. People were laughing at me as I walked. Then a boy tried to ask me for money but I rudely declined when a woman, I assume his mother, came to me and asked me again. I said no. She pulled out about 5 different types of kitchen knives and ran at me. Being drunk I tried to run as fast as I could but she caught up and I grabbed her wrists before she could stab me. We wrestled for a while then she had the knife pointed at my stomach and threatened to push. Obviously scared for my life I pushed her away and ran again. I started to sober up at this point. I ran and I ran untill I got to my door. I’d losssed my keys so I was knocking on the door screaming “mum!” No oneanswering. She came running around the corner at me and I had no were to go. She was throwing butcher knives at me from the pavement and some I dodged and some I didn’t and I got slashed. (I could still feel these slashes when I woke up). Finally my mum answered the door and I ran inside and locked the doors. The dream ended with me bloody and my mum asking what was going on.
C - 1-Aug-19 @ 5:20 AM
I saw myself in a T junction, and suddenly I saw a man appeared to me dressed in black and said leave there you. And immediately I ran out of the place but my system changed like something changed about me and my head started swallowing like I was going insane. So, I ran out of the T junction and suddenly I met some men that took me to a upper house and told me to use the shower, and they also joined me in taking shower too. So I woke up.
Richly - 29-Jul-19 @ 3:00 AM
I had a dream where my boyfriend and I had for some reason or another left shopping carts of stuff on a trail we frequent. We ran to them with relief and some guy walks by talking smack so him and my boyfriend get into a tussle which causes him to pull out a shot gun/ grande launcher thing and start shooting at us ,we somehow managed to make it to the homeless shelter where we are currently staying irl, I got in and was injured in the chest and for some reason my boyfriend was laying outside the door some and a few other people that live there drag him back in and he’s fine . The same guy comes running up to the building (which is a big Victorian house ) so we all scatter to our units ,we went in and hid in our closet behind an old bassinet and cans we are saving and the dream ends just as i hear the first gun shot and children crying (I am 20 years old with a 5 month old baby and working daily both my boyfriend and I to get into a place of our own. Normally my dreams aren’t as vivid but still messed up .this one in particular has got me rattled and keeps repeating itself in different ways but the same gist)
Sagenope - 26-Jul-19 @ 6:03 PM
Hi, so I had a dream where it was night time and me, my friend and her brother were playing around. They locked there door and where teasing me. I was laughing as well until I heard a voice scream “HEY!” I struggled to open the door and my friends scrambled to open it too it was if nobody was allowed out after dark. Just then, a man out of nowhere ran up to me, grabbed me and started beating me up. The man started yelling at me until my friends brother (only two years older) tried to defend me. In the end, we both got beaten up and managed to escape. That’s when I woke up.
Jen - 17-Jul-19 @ 6:26 PM
I am now nearing 79 years of age. I have occasional dreams, all where I am being attacked by various things. The most recent was large rats. In the past, when I was viewing a lot of WW II videos, it was sometimes Japanese soldiers. All have me kicking and flayling my arms to ward them off. I wake up in alarm and my wife has fled our bed because of fear of catching a punch or a karate kick used in my dreams to defend myself. I can handle the dreams myself, but they become a danger to my wife who wonders what is going on? Over the years, on the medical side, I have continued with an ongoing struggle with Meniere's disease and now have early-onset Parkinson's. I recognize there can be a tie in with what I am putting into my mind, in the case of the attacking Japanese, etc., but I believe it is more than that. I am very active in my Church and lead a good life, but the physical threat of these dreams, especially for my wife, have me very concerned. Any advice of what more I can due to eliminate these kind of dreams?
Gramps - 8-Jul-19 @ 4:01 PM
I was in my local area in the dream playing with my sister and friend. Friends whom I don't know and suddenly a massive and brutal mob attacked on us out of nowhere. The attack was so sudden that shocked me and I felt that my heart is beating too fast that I'm gonna die but we all ran off that place but while running they were just behind me with there swords and with loud voices as a mob. Finally I escaped the mob And now I am awake but I'm still shaking What was that with the dream because I still feel it that was scary
Syd - 29-Jun-19 @ 3:27 AM
I had a dream about me going to school and having a normal day and when i was switching buildings i saw these cars and they were dropped low Honda's and Toyota's and there were trucks every where and it didn't look normal so me and my friend... (which i honestly had no clue who it was) Kept walking a little scared and right before entering one guy ran up and took asked for our names and we asked why he said he jus needed to know and then said "once everyones in class we are blowing up this school" and all of them had guns in their hands.. So i just ran as fast as i could and a man started shooting but the man who was talking to me told them to stop and when i got into the woods i watched the school get blown up as soon as tht second bell rang and i watched people get shot. I then ran home and told my grandma and she didnt believe me and then i went to a milk shake place and that gang was driving by and the same dude that let me go spotted me but didnt say anything to his gang and out of no where my friend that i was walking with showed up and we were talking about it then we saw cop cars and fire trucks and ambulances rushing by and then i woke up.
Lexi - 29-May-19 @ 3:13 PM
I had a dream that i got jump by females very bad they beat me up bad was in the hospital and had my arm brokeing and plastic surgery on my facein winng up giving birth early what does that mean
Keke - 6-May-19 @ 6:34 AM
I dreamed I was out for a walk at dusk and just as I was passing a vacant school building I saw a gang that looked suspicious and felt they were going to follow me. I pretended to get a call on my cell phone and acted like I was meeting someone and kept talking loud as I dodged between a few cars on the parking lot. They did not follow me. A few nights later I had the same dream out for a leisurely walk at dusk. I get to the same vacant school building and spot the same exact people. My ex calls my phone and I tell him my location and to call 911 this time the gang is following me and taunting and laughing. My ex agrees to call piece but doesnt. The gang leader has brown hair and facial hair and a tan sued coat with a fur lining. First a male tries to take my phone but can't. I hold it tightly then a female attempts to take my phone we struggle she gets it I get it back. She has bright blonde hair cut very short and close to her head she is wearing a skin tight bright white one piece stretchy outfit. They take me in the vacant building. Every room is dark. I continue to fight each one that tries to attack me as I fight back they disappear. One guy almost defeats me so the others leave me and this guy in a brightly lit room he is Asian looking and has a sleeveless white ribbed tank top undershirt on. He slips and falls he is out of breath from fighting. I'm leaving the room and he is having trouble getting up to stop me but he wants to and is calling for help from others and I go back and stab him once then I stab him a second time and I see him bleeding then I wake up.
Shell - 23-Mar-19 @ 7:54 AM
I dreamt of killing my mums dog and when she got back we had a full blown argument and I was just about to hand myself in to the police but then we were out where we use to live and she got attacked by a man he just kept kicking her in the stomach and then I woke up please help me this is a very disturbing dream I woke up crying
Hen - 20-Mar-19 @ 3:20 AM
Hi, I had a dream where I woke up and there was fresh blood on my bed clothes on the floor by my bed. I looked under my bed and there was blood like something had been dragged from my bed side all the way under through to the other side of the room and into the bathroom. I walked around the bed and sat on the end looking down at bits of flesh over the floor. I was trying to figure out what all this was from. I was then attacked by a small creature who latched onto my arm. I tried vigorously to shake it off. It finally fell to the ground and died. I was more puzzled than afraid during this event. I would.love to know the meaning behind it.
Mel - 27-Feb-19 @ 10:28 PM
I have been having a pretty stressful time since breaking up with my ex, shes been causing me alot of trouble, anyway I'm only 24 and have 2 kids and have both my children over the weekend one is 3 and one is 1. I suffer with sleep paralysis alot. Anyway my dream, I was having a very soft normal dream about having to drive somewhere with some friends, when all off a sudden my dream was interupted with some bangs then screams of my daughter in reality and the sounds of her being attacked and hurt in the room next to me, however my body wouldnt move initially i was paralysed but i fought it so hard for about 3 seconds i was unparaylised, but everything was silent, everyone still asleep I'd imagined the noises/screams that interupted my initial dream?!?!
Lew - 16-Feb-19 @ 6:06 AM
I’ve recently been having some very vivid and terrifying nightmares. In the most recent one, my mother and I are at lunch and I’m watching the scene from above (almost as if it were a movie). We finish eating and pay and my mother goes to the back of the car to do something with her purse, one hand on the side of the car. A man in all black walks by and then I hear my mom curse and see her yank her hand back, confused. She shuts the back of the car and tosses me the keys, telling me to drive. So we get in and get buckled and I start driving. It’s an out of body experience and I can see myself doing the actions, can even hear myself, but my body isn’t quite doing what my voice says. I tell my body “blinker left” as we transition from curb to road, then “blinker right” as we get to the intersection to turn onto the main road. But my body notices the man from earlier trailing close behind us and a shiver runs down my spine. Something about him makes my body speed up as we turn. I can hear myself saying “okay, now brakes”, but my body presses down on the gas instead. The light turns red and I scream “brakes”, but my body keeps going. My mom passed out from the shot that the man gave her earlier. I’m scared and starting to panic and then I hear sirens. I keep speeding, scared that the guy is still following. I call emergency services, the police station answering, and tell them I need their cars to stop chasing me and that I need an emergency escort to the hospital as my mother has passed out and that a man was chasing us. Somehow we wind up back at my moms house in the living room. It’s nighttime. My sister rings the doorbell and I flash the porch light to make sure it is her. That was mistake #1 as I guess I have confirmation to the man that that was where we lived. I talk to my sister for a little while and explain the whole situation and she tells us that we need to lock the doors and wait for the paramedics to get to the house. She says she can’t stay and that she’s sorry, but that she’d be by in the morning. She leaves, I lock the door and sit down. My mother’s girlfriend disappears from the room into thin air. We’re left with my mother, my female cousin, my two little brothers and I. Suddenly the doorbell rings again and my mother answers the door this time, the man that I recognize from the car chase is dressed in fake paramedic clothes and injects my mother with something, claiming it’ll make her feel better. I scream and grab the syringe and start stabbing him, but he doesn’t feel it. He tried to come in the house and I keep pushing at him to no avail, he’s in the house now, trying to come in further. I yell at my cousin to call the cops as he tosses me on the couch. I start kicking and screaming at him to get out of my house, but he doesn’t. When my cousin keeps staring at me, I scream at her to call the cops right that second. She looks at me blankly before slowly going “okay where’s your phone?” Somehow managing to kick him into the foyer
Witchbaby - 22-Jan-19 @ 11:20 AM
I have been having this nightmare for 2 weeks every night,Im in a apt by myself an in bed to go to sleep an a man with all black clothes on with a black hat he attacks me everytime I fight back hes to strong an when I finally wake up my whole body feels like I'm beat up I'm in alot of pain alot of times I wake up then go back to sleep it continues its very scary I don't know wut it means I'm very scared an worried I don't want to b by myself everyone in my family I tell they say its just a dream wont happen in real life.plez to me wut it means
Teens - 25-Oct-18 @ 3:04 AM
Hi I just had a variation of the same dream 3 times back to back. The first 2 times where I think I wake up the dream stops. I don't become fully conscious until the 3rd time. 1st time: The dream occurs in a white mans house and the person threatens me to clean water up that was thrown on me. I along with 2 white girls he threatens to kill. All 3 of us manage to take him down. When he throws water on me He tells me clean it up and calls me a name. The phone rings and the person threatens me as well. After the phine call is when we attack. I wake up. 2nd time: back in the house the man isn't there yet and my sister, Dom, and Shawn are trying to show me how to attack him. I learn how to wipe something on th e skins and light it causing it burn open by testing it out on Shawn. The guy returns with a a white person holding a gun similar to an AK-47 I end up crawling on the ground outside and I maybe hear an attack/explosion. I wake up. 3rd time: back at the house waiting for the guy to return and this time my line sisters show up gearing up to help me. This time I'm crawling on the ground, the guy and others white ppl are there with machine guns. I'm crawling on the ground then I'm heading back inside successfully defeating the ppl. And my line sisters are sharing with me who all will be staying with me. I wake up. I go to the restroom to try and calm my nerves. As soon as i get back in bed the vision of the white guy with black hair, sky blue top with black cargo shorts is all that I can see. I begin to cry.
Bubbles - 19-Sep-18 @ 7:28 AM
Nita - Your Question:
I am going through a messy divorce where my ex had an affair(still with her) and he assaulted me so badly I spend 3 weeks in hospitalI dreamed that my sister and were in the kitchen when I heard someone in a room elsewhere in a house, It was dark and when I got there I was sure I saw something, my sister did not believe me and followed me to the room, but on the way there I kept telling myself to look for a weapon in case there is trouble. Before I could warn her that a light was on the that room I turned around and a man all dresses in black attached me, I actually woke up from my own screams.please explain

Our Response:
I am sorry to hear this. This is more to do with post-traumatic stress than any deeper meaning to your dream. You are obviously still mentally recovering from this episode, which understandably will take time.
AnalyseDreams - 3-Sep-18 @ 2:24 PM
I am going through a messy divorce where my ex had an affair(still with her) and he assaulted me so badly I spend 3 weeks in hospital I dreamed that my sister and were in the kitchen when I heard someone in a room elsewhere in a house, It was dark and when I got there I was sure I saw something, my sister did not believe me and followed me to the room, but on the way there I kept telling myself to look for a weapon in case there is trouble. Before I could warn her that a light was on the that room I turned around and a man all dresses in black attached me, I actually woke up from my own screams. please explain
Nita - 31-Aug-18 @ 9:41 AM
Hello I was just wondering if you’d be able to tell me what this dream means? A man knocked on the door late at night, everyone’s still up so probably around 10pm, he’s wearing a blue tracksuit and has a black eye, I just got home with a couple that I don’t know, a boy and girl that are clearly together. Mum gets up and opens it and he walks straight in and sort of shakes his arms out as if ready for a fight and no ones seems to bother so I stand up in a defensive way. He goes to hit me and pulls out a knife, I shout for the boy to do something and he stands up hits him once then sits back with his girlfriend. The man is now on his knees but pointing the knife at me and attempts to stab me again so I hit him with the closest things I can grab but nothing seems to deter him, he keeps trying to stab me and he’s slowly getting closer. As he goes to stab me again I wake up.
Elouise - 21-Aug-18 @ 5:49 AM
Over the course of the week, I’ve been having dreams of fighting the getting attacked by 2 of more people. Not the same reoccurring dream.. all different situations but it always ends with me fighting multiple random people.
RD - 19-Aug-18 @ 10:59 PM
Princess - Your Question:
Hello. I had a dream that my second to youngest (16) sister and big sister (25) were getting beat on by a man my sister was dating and the first night me (19) and my youngest sister (12) hid from the attacker. The next day all of us were packing to leave the house until it was safe to come back when in the process, I spotted three men at the door trying to break in. I asked my second to youngest (16) if that’s who the boy was and she said yes. So immediately me and my youngest run to the back to get bats and call the cops and as we’re running back my two sisters are already getting beat on. I handed them bats and we all started to beat them until they couldn’t move. And somehow The guy that my second to youngest sister was dating Who is also the attacker’s has a child that my big sister is holding. I’m not sure what a baby had to do with the dream but now I am holding the mans arms up asking my sister if she wants to kill him or wait for the cops and just in case he was to come back from jail and harm her she killed him then I woke up once the cops arrive. Me and my youngest sister didn’t get hurt during the two encounters with this man but my second to youngest and oldest sister did and I don’t understand why. Nor why a baby was in there can you explain?

Our Response:
I can only assume you have quite a bit of anger or resentment bubbling under the surface at the moment. It could be regarding an incident or happenings that are not connected to your dream or the people in your dream. It could be a school, college, job, family, friend or general situation. Or it may be that you are stressed and need a bit of a break or rest.
AnalyseDreams - 16-Aug-18 @ 11:29 AM
Hello. I had a dream that my second to youngest (16) sister and big sister (25) were getting beat on by a man my sister was dating and the first night me (19) and my youngest sister (12) hid from the attacker. The next day all of us were packing to leave the house until it was safe to come back when in the process, I spotted three men at the door trying to break in. I asked my second to youngest (16) if that’s who the boy was and she said yes. So immediately me and my youngest run to the back to get bats and call the cops and as we’re running back my two sisters are already getting beat on. I handed them bats and we all started to beat them until they couldn’t move. And somehow The guy that my second to youngest sister was dating Who is also the attacker’s has a child that my big sister is holding. I’m not sure what a baby had to do with the dream but now I am holding the mans arms up asking my sister if she wants to kill him or wait for the cops and just in case he was to come back from jail and harm her she killed him then I woke up once the cops arrive. Me and my youngest sister didn’t get hurt during the two encounters with this man but my second to youngest and oldest sister did and I don’t understand why. Nor why a baby was in there can you explain?
Princess - 15-Aug-18 @ 2:00 PM
Rastababy - Your Question:
Hi I just woke up with this horrible dream,In my dream I woke up with noise of my youngest son friends he's 10 and it was about 10.30pm with them jumping windows in out my house I called everyone in next thing had 1male and 1 female aswell in my living room I asked the kids what they were doing there so late the male man a forener that I never meet say was not my bussines and I reply but ye all in my house and he reply back they just came out movies and it was not my business again, I strart shouting yes it's my problem cause all this kids are here was about 15of them and the parents could be looking for them so if was not happy I say that the door go way,next thing the door opens it was one of my oldest son friend screaming I ran out I see a bunch of is friends been held by others with knives and I scream were was my son and I saw him been held by another with hammer some kids were bleading, one of them grabe me and my son said let it go she's my mum, soon the boy let me go I woke up and pray to rebuke my dream. I'm still shaking written this is 2.10 am now I'm frightened by this.Any meaning ?tank you

Our Response:
I am sorry to hear you have a horrible dream and I hope you have recovered. It may purely be that your life is a little chaotic currently, or it may just be a nightmare that has no specific meaning. The dreams that have symbolic meanings are usually the dreams that resonate deeply in some way long after the dream has ended, perhaps the next day or the day after. As the article states, it may also be because you have a level of stress and/or anxiety in your life.
AnalyseDreams - 10-Aug-18 @ 9:36 AM
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