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Constant Dreams of Adultery: What Does this Mean?

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 23 Feb 2015 | comments*Discuss
Dreams Dream Dream Analysis Adultery


I constantly either have dreams of being hunted down and stabbed, or dreams of committing adultery. The dreams usually have the same context, with a slight variation each night it happens. For instance last night I committed adultery whilst my wedding music was on and next to my wedding dress and I regularly dream I am with somebody else.

What does this mean and how can I stop it?

(K.S, 12 July 2009)


While I am sure these dreams are disturbing for you, but it may be of some comfort to know they are not uncommon. The dreams of being hunted down and stabbed by a man, woman, or monster are actually dreams of your anxiety attacking you.

Look at your life and try to find a problem area. Is there tension in your relationship? Are you arguing with a family member? Is something going wrong at work? As soon as you can identify and deal with the problem during the conscious hours, these dreams should start to diminish during your sleeping hours.


As for the dreams of adultery, it’s doubtful you literally want to cheat on your significant other, especially since these dreams seem to be upsetting you. Rather, you are searching for some quality in your significant other that you are not finding right now. Maybe on the surface you feel happy and satisfied with your relationship, but look deeper.

Is there anything you can think of that is lacking? Maybe he is a good man, but not quite as romantic as you had hoped. Maybe he is loving, but can’t quite provide for you financially as you had hoped. Or, does he spend too much time away with work or friends? Because your wedding music and dress is often involved in the dream, is there something you had hoped to change when you married him or something he promised you when you married but hasn’t followed through with?

Look at all areas of the relationships and see if the person in your dreams is filling a need that your significant other isn’t.

Remember that dreams are your subconscious’ way of trying to work out issues that you tend to ignore or suppress during waking hours. What is really bothering you probably isn’t something on the surface, so you may need to dig a bit into your feelings and analyse them.

Consider keeping a dream journal since you said these dreams are reoccurring. Write down what you can remember about the dream as soon as you awake and look at the pattern of the dreams over a week or month. Once you discover what is making you anxious or what you are lacking in your relationship, begin to try to work on that and see if the dreams change or begin to lessen.

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@Rider, sounds like a great dream and that you have a very healthy imagination!
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