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Dreams Involving Cars

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 8 Jul 2021 | comments*Discuss
Dreams Dreaming Dream Analysis Dream

Just as you use your car to navigate from one place to another, in real life some people dream of cars as a means to find their way through life. Some researchers believe that in your dreams, a car is representative of your current relationship. But still, others think that while the car in your dream may represent your relationship in some cases, it can take on different meanings.

In some dreams, you may have a problem with your car. There is the dream where the workings of the car are foreign to you. You may not know how to shift gears or where the switch is to turn on the headlights. In cases like this, you may be going through unfamiliar territory in life, such as getting married for the first time, being pregnant for the first time, or starting a new job.

Many dreams focus more on how you are driving rather than what you are driving. This is usually symbolic of how you are going after what you want in life. Do you find yourself driving recklessly in your dream? If you do, the dream may be telling you that you need to slow down a bit in order to safely obtain your goal. If you dream you are barrelling down a hill and your brakes are not working, it can mean that your personal life is spiralling out of control. You may be eating unhealthy foods, working too hard, or not getting enough sleep.

Dreaming about different parts of a car can also be symbolic:

If you dream your car battery has gone dead, it may be symbolic of the fact that you feel emotionally and physically drained. Consider slowing down and altering your schedule to allot some down time to do things you enjoy.

Gas Tanks
If you dream your car’s gas tank is empty, you may feel you have done all you can in regards to a certain situation. For example, if you have been loaning a 'down and out' friend money, you may desire to help him or her, but feel at some point that they are simply draining your energy by not helping themselves.

If you dream of flat tires, you may be suffering from low self-esteem. Balding tires may mean that you have been going and doing so much that you have been neglecting yourself.

Dreaming of looking through a windshield is symbolic of being able to see where you are headed in life. You may dream your view through the windshield is blocked by snow or rain. People who either have ended a relationship or have lost a loved one to death often dream of snow and driving through a snowstorm. Rain can also symbolise sadness and emotion. If you dream of driving through a downpour, you may have been through a recent crisis and are finding yourself flooded with a variety of different feelings.

If you dream you are driving and suddenly find your headlights do not work, you may be unaware of things going on in your life. Racing around with out your headlights on can be symbolic of your not being able to see where you are going because you are not paying close attention. If you dream you are driving with your high beams on, you may be confusing those around you by insisting that your viewpoint is always right.

Dreaming of cars and different parts of a car can be insightful. These types of dreams can help you understand more about yourself as well as those with which you interact.

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I dreamt I was driving with my late husband and after a round about from where we live the street was peach black and they were crying fromeither side of the vehicle so he turned of the headlights after that I realised it wasn't my late husband anymore driving but my current boyfriend and he turned and reassured with a squeeze on my arm that we will be okay, As we drove out of the darken street up a head was a bus just reaching out to the part of the street that was lit up and my boyfriend was just using his double blinkers to say that we were also coming out from the darkened street.
Alice - 8-Jul-21 @ 11:05 PM
I was driving in a very dark nightwith no lights on. Couldnt get them on.I started going reallyfast and could not slow down. I decided not to try and steer at all as it would be impossible sence i couldnt see anything at all. Sence some how the car was going very fast butsome how was stayingon the road very wellI decided it was best to just let it continue on its own and nottry to steer. Iknew it was a very bad situation but Iwasnt really super scared . I started to honk myhorn continuouslyas i knew other drivers would not be able to see me with no lights on in mycar.It thenstarted getting a little light outside as morning was comming.I could see other drivers behind me . I still had no contoll over the car and could not stop it. But it started slowing down alot on its own and i decided it was going slow enough that i decided to jump out. I opened the ddoor and was waiting for a spot to jump out with space on the side of the road to be able too. there was a spot right away with somew cement space and like a cement ledgeonthe other side. I thought about waiting intell i found more emptyspace on the roadsideand maybe solf dirt to land easywer. I just had a moment to decide to jump now or wait to maybe find a better spot. I decided to jump on the cement as before there had been even less roadside space. I jumped and landed on my feet for a moment and then landed sitting like ona seat on the cement block with no trouble at all. I felt relieved and kind of pleasedwith myself withthe remarkable good luckandsuccess of thejump and exit from the moving car.
glow - 23-Jan-21 @ 4:32 AM
I was driving in a very dark nightwith no lights on. Couldnt get them on.I started going reallyfast and could not slow down. I decided not to try and steer at all as it would be impossible sence i couldnt see anything at all. Sence some how the car was going very fast butsome how was stayingon the road very wellI decided it was best to just let it continue on its own and nottry to steer. Iknew it was a very bad situation but Iwasnt really super scared . I started to honk myhorn continuouslyas i knew other drivers would not be able to see me with no lights on in mycar.It thenstarted getting a little light outside as morning was comming.I could see other drivers behind me . I still had no contoll over the car and could not stop it. But it started slowing down alot on its own and i decided it was going slow enough that i decided to jump out. I opened the ddoor and was waiting for a spot to jump out with space on the side of the road to be able too. there was a spot right away with somew cement space and like a cement ledgeonthe other side. I thought about waiting intell i found more emptyspace on the roadsideand maybe solf dirt to land easywer. I just had a moment to decide to jump now or wait to maybe find a better spot. I decided to jump on the cement as before there had been even less roadside space. I jumped and landed on my feet for a moment and then landed sitting like ona seat on the cement block with no trouble at all. I felt relieved and kind of pleasedwith myself withthe remarkable good luckandsuccess of thejump and exit from the moving car.
glow - 23-Jan-21 @ 4:31 AM
I dreamt I started my car, the headlight went dim, like maybe i left the light on all night. Maybe the battery was dying. What is the meaning
Meme - 16-Jul-20 @ 6:35 PM
What does it mean when you dream of your enemy cutting you off in a car in your driveway
P - 22-Dec-19 @ 12:17 PM
I had a dream i was with my partner and at school and that ththe teachers had told me to go to the principals offuce because someone tokd them i was self harming and then i ran and hid in a room with my partner and was crying and he wasnt doing anything for some reason his face was blank ....i ran outside alone and seen my moms car and it was empty and for some stupid reason i got in the car in the passenger side...My mom came back out screaming and with ny baby sister....she out ny baby sister in the car in the back seat and started the car and out it in drive ....she got out and the car started moving.....it was goijg and i couldnt unbuckle my seat belt....i couldnt reach the breaks with my hands or feet. ...the gear shifter was stuck and wouldnt move at all....there was no emergency break...i started crying and opened my door trying to stop the car with my foot against the ground ...it wasnt working....we were almost out inti the open road like less than a foot away from.hundreds of cars driving in both directions and i screamed help out loud and i woke up screaming it.....i woke up crying and sweating and now i cant go back ti sleep.....
Ace - 31-Aug-19 @ 11:53 AM
Had a dream about driving my vehicle. I had the feeling that it was dark but yet I could clearly see. I kept trying to turn my lights on and off because I’m supposed to drive with light at night. When I would turn the lights off, nothing would change, I could still see clearly. When I turned my lights back on, I would see a bright flash (like you would when you first sure your lights on and your eyes are adjusting to the light) and then it would go back to normal. I kept doing this till I woke up.
Micah - 2-Jul-19 @ 12:45 PM
I dreamt about being in a car, being a passenger of course after being picked up after school (after already breaking the dresscode) where my mother got me into the car of his friends with her. And there was a boy walking down the street in the middle of the road but he didn't stpp driving, he kept on driving with this emotionless face. I asked him to stop because he did over a kid. (His father was running after the car on the background) but all he replies with was "eh". His expressionless face hinted bloodlust. What does this mean..?
Mika - 26-Apr-19 @ 5:11 AM
I dreamt that someone took my tires off my car placed them under my bed and put spare (donut) tires on my car in the dream i was trying to cry but i had no voice
Tay - 25-Apr-19 @ 12:37 PM
I haven't dreamt I a couple years and now I have a vivid dream I am driving down a curvy road at night, I don't know to get home. It seems I am going too fast around the corners but I can't slow down and all of a sudden the lights go out and then I realize the battery has died. It's pitch black I don't know if a curve is coming and for some reason can't feel if I have been able to stop the car with the brakes. I reach for my phone and it is dead as well, I'm worried some car is going to not see me and hit me, I'm worried my car will drive off the road
M - 21-Jan-19 @ 10:01 AM
I just woke up about 10 minutes I had a dream where I start turning right out of my neighborhood street and my truck loses traction in the rear and I’m swerving trying to straighten out the truck and my head lights don’t work normally the street is lit up at night and you could see the church by the end of the road but this I couldn’t
Graham18 - 15-Jan-19 @ 1:38 AM
i had a dream where my SO told me theyd cheated and gotten the girl pregnant so i left and started driving but my lights wouldnt turn on and i kept trying to turn them on but nothing worked and i kept seeing police cars everywhere but none of them stopped me or even noticed me driving.
Lucy - 11-Dec-18 @ 12:03 PM
I dreamt before 30 mins That i was in a gas station near us .. soo when i left the gas station .. the road turn dark black even i asked my self why my headlights arent working i tried to turn them on it doesnt work .. soo i took my home junction which is a car was gonna hit me in the light sign while iam turning , so i was surprised my home junction was closed by 2 cars so i tried to go through them but i couldnt bcz the more i go the more they get attached
Sam - 10-Dec-18 @ 11:38 AM
I fell asleep about 40 min ago and in that 40 min or so I had 2-3 vivid dreams... the first I was in my room and I was on the phone late at night with someone and my mom walked in to check on my son before she headed out for work and she started telling me something but I didn’t understand what she was saying the 2 different times I asked her.. it felt so real. I thought I was awake. The second is a little blurry at the moment. I was at an old camp that my brother and I used to go to for kids with cancer and it was a Friday. Our last day there at the camp, it was prom night and I was a counselor but I hadn’t even picked out a dress nor had anything to wear and someone was doing my makeup and when I looked in the mirror the eye shadow was metallic blue and it was like there was a ton of highlighter on my cheeks. But the 3rd I remember well.. I was driving down a road I travel frequently. It was dark and my headlights weren’t working. The were extremely dim and low visibility. I was flipping them from dims to brights with no improvement. I began to try to slow down but my breaks went straight to the floor. Then I tried to pump them and I almost felt like I could feel it slowing down slightly but then all of a sudden it was like tree limbs (small) flying into the windshield making it even harder to see and then the wind picked up. It began to pour so hard outside and then it felt like someone pulled the steering wheel out of my hands or was holding it in one direction and was sending me to the ditch/wood line. I mentally knew I was having a bad dream so I almost felt like I was screaming at myself to wake up and I almost couldn’t but I did just before hitting the tree line. What could this possibly mean?
Shelly - 30-Nov-18 @ 9:32 AM
I dreamt my girlfriend car was stolen but the thief left my belongings where the car was parked her car is white
Jazz - 8-Nov-18 @ 6:36 PM
I saw a dream I was driving a car in normal road and suddenly it comes muddy hill with no traffic rules all car comming from different directions some how I mange to drive and after couple of minutes again went back to road. What does that mean?
Sam - 27-Oct-18 @ 12:57 AM
Hi! I dreamt that I was sitting in my car, in the driver's seat eating a candy bar. I was parked in a unkept grocery store/strip mall parking lot. When a group of guys walk pass. Then two begin to jimmy the driver side passenger door through the window. I turn around and ask them what they are doing. One had a familiar face but I recognized him from the grocery store earlier in the dream. He simply just smiles and says my bad. I reverse my car and drive around the lot and come to a park not where a originally started but adjacent from so I could watch the group.
Cici - 21-Sep-18 @ 12:57 PM
Fifi - Your Question:
Hi I dreamt I was driving alone. I couldn't see out of windshield at all. I put the wipers on but no improvement. I beared left into a lane essentially blindly. Trying to control a car with zero vision. Secondly, someone when I was parked tried to take documents of mine from the passenger seat. I objected. Any clues? Thanks.

Our Response:
Your dream is quite literal, in that in some area of your life you feel as though you are navigating blindly. You may also feel a level of distrust to someone around you currently who you may feel could do something underhand (i.e the attempted taking of the documents from the car seat). The fact that you were driving alone, means that you feel pretty alone in whatever the situation is and the fact you objected to the person taking the documents means you may have to put up a minimal fight. It could relate to any situation in your life whether it's your relationship, job etc.
AnalyseDreams - 17-Aug-18 @ 3:20 PM
Hi I dreamt I was driving alone. I couldn't see out of windshield at all. I put the wipers on but no improvement. I beared left into a lane essentially blindly. Trying to control a car with zero vision. Secondly, someone when I was parked tried to take documents of mine from the passenger seat. I objected. Any clues? Thanks.
Fifi - 17-Aug-18 @ 2:56 PM
River Boy - Your Question:
Hi There, I dreamt I was driving a brand new car and I came to a traffic check point. Car rego Ok, Driver Licence OK. However, my signal lights as well as low beam lights were weak.When asked by the traffic officer about the lights, I told him that I just bought this car and it's new, and I couldn't fathom why the lights were weak.

Our Response:
It sounds as though you may have been given a bright new opportunity, or something similar and yet there is something that is underwhelming about it, or you cannot rectify something. It's very difficult to analyse dreams without knowing how the dreamer feels when in the dream and what part of life they may feel it relates to. But if you think about it, you should be able to connect it to a certain part of your life such as a new job, or a new relationship.
AnalyseDreams - 12-Jul-18 @ 10:30 AM
Hi There, I dreamt I was driving a brand new car and I came to a traffic check point. Car rego Ok, Driver Licence OK. However, my signal lights as well as low beam lights were weak. When asked by the traffic officer about the lights, I told him that I just bought this car and it's new, and I couldn't fathom why the lights were weak.
River Boy - 11-Jul-18 @ 6:16 AM
Sam - Your Question:
Hi There, I dreamt last night that I was kind of like in but not in maybe present in a head on collision with a purple car - I could clearly see the women driving she had dark hair, but before the cars smashed into smithereens I left it - it didnt feel bad just like I was witnessing the accident??? Was weird and it is bothering me

Our Response:
No, it is not 'weird' for it to bother you as the car is representative of your life and the control you have of it. A head-on collision means that somewhere in your life you are going to exit a situation of some conflict. It could be a relationship that is coming to a head, or a friendship, or job situation. Whatever it is, you will walk away unscathed and not have much emotion in connection to it. Only you can make the connection to whatever life situation it is.
AnalyseDreams - 28-Jun-18 @ 12:11 PM
Hi There, I dreamt last night that I was kind of like in but not in maybe present in a head on collision with a purple car - I could clearly see the women driving she had dark hair, but before the cars smashed into smithereens I left it - it didnt feel bad just like I was witnessing the accident??? Was weird and it is bothering me
Sam - 28-Jun-18 @ 7:16 AM
Hannah - Your Question:
This is a recurring dream. I’m the one that’s driving the car but I’m never in the driver’s seat, I’m in the passenger’s seat. Sometimes I have my hands on the wheel and sometimes I don’t. When I do have my hands on the wheel the car I’m always driving recklessly but when I don’t have them on the wheel the car is fine.

Our Response:
This is an interesting dream, as the car and who is driving the car can be representative of who is in control of your life. The fact you are not in the driver's seat means that you feel that someone else (or something else) is in control of your life, not you. When you are driving recklessly and you have the hands on the wheel, this means you feel that when you are in charge of your life you are reckless with it. You would need to try to connect it with the part of your life this relates to. It may mean there is someone in your life that you are reliant upon and feel much more relaxed when they are in charge and not you (this may be a boyfriend or spouse). However, it may also be an indicator about your life in general and pose the parallel question, is it not about time you took charge of the wheel (your life) and stopped being reckless with it?
AnalyseDreams - 15-Jun-18 @ 10:03 AM
This is a recurring dream. I’m the one that’s driving the car but I’m never in the driver’s seat, I’m in the passenger’s seat. Sometimes I have my hands on the wheel and sometimes I don’t. When I do have my hands on the wheel the car I’m always driving recklessly but when I don’t have them on the wheel the car is fine.
Hannah - 14-Jun-18 @ 5:33 AM
Sal - Your Question:
I had a dream in which I was driving our Chevy equinox down a hill at night and it was pitch black I realized my headlights were off and I tried to turn them on but I would keep going passed the on setting and having to switch all the way back to on. It was down hill and even though it was dark I forced myself to see and I could. I was driving carefully and correctly but I was scared and I saw a figure to my left. honestly I couldnt make the figure out but I was scared and it seemed as scary as fredy kruger and to be honest I'm not scared of that movie I used to like those movies well anyways right after that I woke up and it had only been probably like an hour

Our Response:
The fact you were driving without lights in your dream, quite literally means you are feeling in the dark or unsure about a specific direction in which you are headed. You are also feeling cautious about a progression regarding some area in your life. The scary figure is really just a symbol of the unknown and potential fears you may have. You would have to assess your own life and try to find out what this might be in connection with. Your feelings at the time will also tell you how you subconsciously feel about this situation. The fact you are moving cautiously in your dream means that you are carefully and deliberately weighing up this particular situation, which is no bad thing.
AnalyseDreams - 23-Apr-18 @ 12:52 PM
I had a dream in which I was driving our Chevy equinox down a hill at night and it was pitch black I realized my headlights were off and I tried to turn them on but I would keep going passed the on setting and having to switch all the way back to on.. It was down hill and even though it was dark I forced myself to see and I could.. I was driving carefully and correctly but I was scared and I saw a figure to my left. honestly I couldnt make the figure out but I was scared and it seemed as scary as fredy kruger and to be honest I'm not scared of that movie I used to like those movies well anyways right after that I woke up and it had only been probably like an hour
Sal - 23-Apr-18 @ 10:28 AM
Rose - Your Question:
I had a dream I was driving a big truck and it was dark and I could not see so I tried to turn on my headlights but it would not work the headlights would not come on so I thought I will just keep driving straight and hopes there are no turns.

Our Response:
It may be that you have an objective in life and you are moving towards it blindly. In other words you are keeping faith that something will work out. If you were driving the truck it means you feel you are in control of the situation and should anything go wrong, you have the confidence to continue on the path you are on, no matter what life might throw at you. Only you can interpret what you feel this dream means in your day-to-day life and what situation it should be attributed to. However, sometimes it may not be a particular situation, just a vague feeling that you have that you have a specific need to push on through.
AnalyseDreams - 19-Apr-18 @ 12:53 PM
I had a dream I was driving a big truck and it was dark and I could not see so I tried to turn on my headlights but it would not work the headlights would not come on so I thought I will just keep driving straight and hopes there are no turns.
Rose - 17-Apr-18 @ 3:41 PM
i dream very occasionally that im either, driving, flying or running. Niether of them iam able to do properly. I drive wreckless, unable to work or control the car properly and i sometimes crash or driving at extreme speed unable to stop the car. Flying, i fly then i fall then i start up again flying but very close to the ground, hitting the ground occasionally with my stomach. This happens often especially when im being chased. And running i run so slow, unable to use stairs and often the last one behind when running in a group of people. Could you help me get an understanding?
abatwa - 3-Mar-13 @ 10:39 PM
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