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Dreams Involving Parts of the House

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 24 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Dreams Dream Analysis Dreaming Dream

Because our home is a place of comfort, a place in which we often seek refuge, it is common to dream about being in our house. But, dreaming of being in different parts of the house can mean different things. You may also find the dreams are very vivid in detail, but may notice that the rooms appear quite differently in the dream than they do during waking hours.

If you dream you are in a corner of your house, you may feel stuck in real life. You may feel frustrated and that you have no control in making decisions. In essence, you may feel trapped and literally cornered.

Dreaming that you are in the kitchen may be a sign that you long for warmth or spiritual guidance. The kitchen is a very emotional part of many homes and is also closely associated with a nurturing mother, so you may be lacking the love of a parent or a parental figure. The kitchen can also represent a place of transformation. Are you going through big changes in your life? If so, you may dream of being in the kitchen.

If you dream that you are standing at the sink of the kitchen, you may be struggling to control your emotions. It may mean you want to cleanse yourself of the past and move forward. Take note of how the kitchen appears in your dream. Is it crowded or cluttered? If so, this may be an indicator that you feel you have overwhelmed yourself by taking on the problems of others.

If you dream you are in the bathroom, you may feel the need to relieve yourself emotionally. You may have been carrying around a burden or feeling which you know you must let go. Ask yourself if anything in your life has been bothering you. If you got rid of it, would you feel emotionally cleansed? This may be your mind’s way of telling you that you need to free yourself from this person or situation. The same is true if you dream that you are sitting on a toilet. However, if you dream you are cleaning the toilet, your mind may be telling you that you are starting to lose some of your inhibitions.

If you dream you are in the bathroom, but the doors are open or there are no doors, it can indicate you do not have the privacy you need. It may also be symbolic of feeling or emotions that you will not let go for fear of having others around you criticise or judge you. If you dream that you need to go to the bathroom, but you cannot locate it, this can mean that you have difficulty in showing your emotions. If you dream of an overflowing toilet, it can mean that you have a desire to express your emotions to the fullest. If you dream of a bathtub, you may have a desire to escape from the stress of every day life.

Bedroom dreams can take on many themes. After all, the bedroom is where intimacy occurs, but it is also a place where you relax, where you sleep, and where you go to escape from others. It is often symbolic of parts of yourself that you wish to remain private from others. These dreams can denote that you are having intimacy issues, so you need to ask yourself if there are any problems in that area of your life.

Living Room
The living room is often a favourite location of everyone in the family. It may be the one area of the house in which everyone feels most relaxed and comfortable. However, the living room in your dream may be quite different from your real living room. If you notice a toilet in your dream living room, you may feel you lack privacy. If you see office furniture, it can indicate that you are too absorbed with your career and it is intruding on your family life.

Remember that if the rooms in your dream do not look like the actual rooms in your house, there is a reason. If a room is too crowded, you may feel your life is cluttered. If there are strange objects, such as a copy machine in your bedroom, you may be letting work interfere with intimacy. Take careful note of all that appears in your dreams involving parts of the house to see what it means. Once you understand the meaning of the dream, you can make conscious changes that will improve your life.

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