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Dreams Involving Food

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 20 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Dreams Dreaming Food Dreaming Of Food

Many of us have enough problems trying to keep our minds off food during waking hours but there are people who even dream about food! If you are on a strict diet, you may dream of your favourite foods, but usually, dreams involving food have another meaning other than you are just hungry and craving something.

Dreaming of food is usually symbolic of something you are currently experiencing or hope to experience in life. Here are a few of the more common food dreams and their meanings:

Dreaming of meat is usually symbolic of strength and power. Even vegetarians may find themselves dreaming of tearing into a nice, juicy steak. What does it mean? The person who dreams of eating a piece of meat may have recently used his or her personal power successfully during the waking hours. It can mean you tapped into hidden powers to accomplish a difficult task. Or it could be that if you are facing a tough decision, dreaming of eating meat can be telling you to look within yourself to find powers you do not normally use to make the right decision.

Sweets represent just that – the sweet. They can represent affection or experiences that we find precious and valued. When life becomes too serious with everyday stress such as worries of your job or paying bills, your mind may dream of eating sweets as a release of the daily pressures of life. It may be your mind’s way of telling you to slow down and enjoy what you love – family, friends, or a hobby. Some people who are very focused on what they want might dream of eating sweets as a way to remind them that while they can remain focused to achieve their dreams, they can also take a little time out of enjoy the sweeter things in life.

Bread is usually symbolic of something that needs to be well planned and with which you need patience. If you are planning a big project at work, working to advance in your career, in the early stages of pregnancy, or building a home, you may dream of bread. It takes time and effort to achieve all these dreams and the bread may be reminding you that by waiting for something, it will be especially good when done.

Milk can often be symbolic of a mother’s love and the innocent affection that often comes with it. But it can also mean you are having issues with your mother. Are you going through a growing phase with your parents? As they get older, your relationship may change from being the child to being the caregiver and you may need to resolve any issues you have with that.

If you dream of vegetables, you may have just had an experience that was good for you or left you feeling emotionally re-energised. Dreaming of vegetables, especially corn can be symbolic of a positive experience. If you have been working hard at your job, you may dream of vegetables when you accomplish a big task or complete a big project, feeling that you have harvested success through your soils of labour.

Dreaming of food usually relates to some situation you are currently going through or with which you are faced. Try to remember the type of food you dreamed about and see if your psyche is trying to tell you to draw strength from within to accomplish something or to take time to enjoy a positive experience you recently had.

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