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Discussions Guidelines

By: Clare Birtles - Updated: 4 Oct 2011 | comments*Discuss
Discussions Guidelines

Please take a moment to read through our code of conduct before posting on our discussions board.

Language/Defamatory Remarks:

  • Do not post anything that could be construed as racist, homophobic, sexist, harassment or abuse.
  • Anybody can read this website, so please do not use sexually explicit language or swear words.
  • Avoid using names in your posts (e.g. those of spouses, professionals, ex partners, children etc); you may be putting them (and yourself) at risk by doing so.

Personal Attacks:

  • Do not make personal attacks on other discussion members.
  • If another discussion member makes a personal/abusive remark directed at you, do not respond with a similar attack of your own. Contact the administrator.

Links/Self Advertising:

  • Posts will be removed if we feel a link or comment has been posted as a means of self advertising, self promotion, or which we consider to be spam.
  • Only post links/urls which are on topic and of use to other discussion members.

Discussion Topics:

  • Only post a thread once, under the appropriate discussion topic. Duplicate threads will be removed.
  • Please keep discussions on topic. If you want to talk about something that is not relevant to the current thread, create a new one.

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