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Native American Dream Analysis: Iroquois

By: Libby Pelham BA - Updated: 17 Mar 2024 | comments*Discuss
Native American Native Americans Dreams

Most Native American tribes have always held dreams in high regard and given them much respect. To them, dreams are very spiritual and a way of gaining great insight and wisdom as well as guidance for day-to-day life. Most Native Americans believed ancestral spirits would visit them between the hours of midnight and 2:00 a.m. (which may have been during the deepest stages of sleep) to offer them guidance.

A Strong Influence
The Iroquois felt very strongly that dreams guided all aspects of their lives – hunting, fighting, even marriage. Dreaming had a big affect on their proceedings during war. If one person had a dream of failure before a battle, they would retreat, viewing the dream as an omen. French missionaries noted that the Iroquois totally submitted themselves to their dreams. Believing the dreams were concealed instructions from their soul, they felt obligated to live out what they dreamed or feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. Through their dreams, they felt they could contact their highest sacred power, Orenda.

To ignore their dreams was madness to them, sure to result in disaster. It also went against the wishes of the god within. They felt dreams could heal them, curing both physical diseases and mental illnesses. The Iroquois would often act out their dreams with those involved in the dream. They would tell others about their dreams, known as dreamsharing, as a way to understand and interpret the dream.

The Iroquois also held several festivals related to dreams and the dream world. The False Face Society festival was an important healing ritual in which the members wore wooden masks in order to invoke the dream world. Members were either those healed by the society or those who dreamed they should be a member. Another important Iroquois festival that focused on dreams was the Midwinter Festival. The Midwinter Festival was held around New Years and featured dreamsharing, dream interpretation, and dream renewal. The men of the Iroquois tribe often ventured out themselves in search of particularly powerful dreams. The men would fast for a period of time, sometimes as long as thirty days, in hopes of having a powerful vision or dream.

Making Note
The importance of dreams to the Iroquois has oft been documented through the years. One example is that of Chief Cornplanter of the Seneca Iroquois. He had a dream that he did not quite understand, so he asked members of his community for interpretation. One such interpreter told Cornplanter that his name was now Onono and he was to give up his position as chief. Chief Cornplanter was convinced this was the correct interpretation and handed his tomahawk and wampum to a friend, thus making him chief. It is said that Cornplanter never regretted his decision, feeling it restored harmony with the Great Spirit.

Another documented case of dream importance to the Iroquois was the dream of Ely Parker’s mother, Elizabeth. Ely Parker was an Iroquois chief who ended up drafting the final terms of surrender for the Civil War. When Elizabeth was still pregnant with Ely, the young Iroquois woman had a dream that she did not understand. It was that of a broken rainbow. She visited a dream interpreter who told her she was pregnant with a son and that son would be a very wise and great peacemaker.

Native Americans such as the Iroquois saw dreams as real and felt real life was often the illusion. Perhaps it would be in our best interest to take note of their beliefs and give our dreams more credit in helping guide our lives to a healthier place.

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I had what i would call a nightmare although I was calm throughout. My son was only with his head and skin no body apart from arms stretched out on a board with others the same, native Americans ceremony it felt like and the native Americans put arrows into their skin and they got to my son and either side of his head they cut open, my son raised his arms and I was kneeling beside him comforting him. Although I said I was calm in the dream I was not when I awoke and I am struggling to interpret the dream
AnnX - 17-Mar-24 @ 9:08 AM
I’m Native American and last night I dreamed of my ancestors coming to see me they came one by one, from the elders, to the ceremonial dancers wearing the headdress, to our warriors being painted for war, then a young woman. They didn’t speak just came to visit! Can you explain the meaning
T - 11-Jun-21 @ 8:19 PM
I dreamed that my eldest son was standing proudly infront of a new shiney jeep that was black and lots of shiney chrome and big wheels. The next day I asked my son if he found a car yet, and he replied that he is still looking but really interested in getting a jeep. This is the first time I've heard of his interest for a jeep. Is my dream his premonition to him finding what he wants?
Cyndi - 21-Apr-21 @ 1:36 PM
I had a dream that was running through the woods with a bunch spirited animals to claim my house back from a woman who was trying to take over got to the house and told to leave my husband who is native was in house she left but she tell me that I would be a better queen my husband says to me prepare the house I started to make food anther tribe was coming over to sign a peace treaty my husband tells me too that he happy ide made a better queen
Justice - 2-Feb-21 @ 3:19 PM
I had a dream last night of me wandering in these woods that was in a blanket of snow. I was in these native warm clothing, with my hair down but with one singular braid. I was walking around and met face to face with an injured seal puppy, it was alone and it looked to be calling for someone or something. I walked to it and picked it up, inspecting it and as I did, an old native woman on a sled of some sort with more baby seals on it rode up to me. She spoke of the seal orphans, lights, freedom, and the old spirits of the ones who were lost in battle and on the adventure. I rode with her, the baby seal in my lap. We reached this pond or ocean and there were penguins surrounding it. She climbed out and lined all the seals behind the penguins, I still had mine since she wanted me to free it, and began to wave her arms around, her eyes closed and humming. Suddenly, I looked up to see the northern lights above me with the spirits of the lost ones floating just above all of the penguins and the seals. I held the seal puppy close to me and in quick motion, she pointed her shaky hands towards the middle of the ocean and the spirits turned into fireworks. It frightened me and the seal. I thought of gunshots, from the barrel of a shotgun that were held by the white man. The seal began to cry and I did too, I screamed with the seal pup as I squatted down and covered the “ears” of the seal pup. The penguins leapt into the water as the spirits popped, the pup seals going into the water as well. I held my seal close but suddenly the woman grabbed the seal from me and waved her hand around the wound on the flipper and tossed it into the water. It cried for me and I cried for it, yelling the name I gave it. Then I woke up and I was in tears. I had a panic attack when I woke up then calmed myself down and thought about my dream. I’m not sure if it means anything.
Alicia - 23-Nov-20 @ 4:23 AM
I had a dream last night of me wandering in these woods that was in a blanket of snow. I was in these native warm clothing, with my hair down but with one singular braid. I was walking around and met face to face with an injured seal puppy, it was alone and it looked to be calling for someone or something. I walked to it and picked it up, inspecting it and as I did, an old native woman on a sled of some sort with more baby seals on it rode up to me. She spoke of the seal orphans, lights, freedom, and the old spirits of the ones who were lost in battle and on the adventure. I rode with her, the baby seal in my lap. We reached this pond or ocean and there were penguins surrounding it. She climbed out and lined all the seals behind the penguins, I still had mine since she wanted me to free it, and began to wave her arms around, her eyes closed and humming. Suddenly, I looked up to see the northern lights above me with the spirits of the lost ones floating just above all of the penguins and the seals. I held the seal puppy close to me and in quick motion, she pointed her shaky hands towards the middle of the ocean and the spirits turned into fireworks. It frightened me and the seal. I thought of gunshots, from the barrel of a shotgun that were held by the white man. The seal began to cry and I did too, I screamed with the seal pup as I squatted down and covered the “ears” of the seal pup. The penguins leapt into the water as the spirits popped, the pup seals going into the water as well. I held my seal close but suddenly the woman grabbed the seal from me and waved her hand around the wound on the flipper and tossed it into the water. It cried for me and I cried for it, yelling the name I gave it. Then I woke up and I was in tears. I had a panic attack when I woke up then calmed myself down and thought about my dream. I’m not sure if it means anything.
Alicia - 22-Nov-20 @ 4:10 PM
I had a dream last night that I came across a slightly injured young swan grey feathers..I examined it.. It was ok but scared and slightly hurt..I could tell that it would still be able to fly.. no blood the injury wasn't obvious .. I looked out the window and saw two duck billed platypi coming toward me.. They were behind the house.. I felt I had to get to them.. I secured the swan with my husband and went out to get to them.. I was met by a bear who chased me and I was scared.. The bear was fast.. as I came around the building to see where the platypi were .. (still being chased by the bear) to my dismay the platypi had been killed before I got to them.. a man I don't know killed them with a shovel.. I ran into the house through the back and tried to shut the door but the bear pushed through the door it was stronger than me.. I ran through the front door I originally sent out .. and went out again trying to find a safer place.. Another for to go through or house to enter.. but woke up before anything resolved... I looked up these certain aspects.. but am having a hard time finding meaning to some of these things... Can you interpret?
Enlightend - 15-Nov-20 @ 1:22 PM
So me n my sister areApache n tigua my sister is transgender n she had this dream she said was so real a native American chief came to me and told me that the white man would pay and that the lands would come back to us he was sitting on his horse with war paint surrounded by the ancestors with war paint too with his war axe and bow and arrow.
Lil moon - 9-Nov-20 @ 10:34 PM
Thanks! I dreamnt I was visiting a place. Liked like a city but then there were people who were all excited to see this man. It was a Native American on a horse and everyone said his name was black crow I asked if he would allow us to take a picture with him but he just looked at us and said. "Here let me write something instead"He signed an orange paper for my friend and he gave me a written note Then he took us to stay the night at a room where all my clothes was and I had to put it in suitcases and we stayed with his so-called first wife was a hairdresser but he's such a character that he apparently has many women but she was the main one so we were trying not to piss her off I never got to read my not but it was interesting I think he didn't want a picture because he knew he had passed.
Mella - 14-Sep-20 @ 6:13 AM
In my dream there was a teen boy staying with my family I had the feeling like he was trouble or going to get into trouble that night he snuck out of the house I followed without him seeing me he went over a hill when I got to the top I seen him with some Native Americans they was dancing around a fire saying the same word over and over I didn’tunderstand it and thought to myself I’ll ask mom what that means when I wake up as soon as I thought that they all turned and looked at me and I woke up
LadyLaDell - 11-Sep-20 @ 4:15 AM
I recently reviewed a dream a had in 2019 . It was a dream of events that happened before I was born involving political turmoil during Nixon's term. Protests about bringing the troops home. Than suddenly I was with a group of native Americans ridding a beautiful white horse going back to the reservation .During the ride I noticed something was wrong with the moon , it was following us like spotlight. That is when a group of agents showed up and took me in for questioning about what I knew. I said will answer anything they want but can I eat first , im hungry . They said fine eat. I ordered steak and potatoes . There was an African American lady there that said to me " What they get you for?" You better tell them or they will fly you out to a camp. I was able to interpret the dream and give it meaning.The thing that blew my mind is the events that connect president Nixon to Native Americans . I recently found out Nixon had a positive impact that benefited Native Americans and also involvement of agents like FBI and Undercover. In conclusion I learned that Nixon's term there was a corruption scandal that made him resigned but apparently he also did good in some areas that continue to be ignored today. The voice of the true people of this land .The Beautiful Native Americans. I bless you people and hope to ride with you in a beautiful white horse into a Victory that benefits the Native Tribes. Thank you
Vic - 8-Sep-20 @ 7:01 AM
I was asleep in bed with my boyfriend (which I am very much in love with) and I dreamed I saw an Indian chief with full headdress feathers, no shirt and authentic dress and he was just standing there looking at me from a short distance.When I woke up I thought maybe it was my boyfriend because his eyes were blue like his or possibly one of his ancestors. But I never knew the meaning of the dream.
Boomer - 28-Jul-20 @ 1:03 AM
To Catamount: Only you can decide what your dream really means but to me it seems to be saying that you are waking up to the reality of the world. It is a reality that includes the spirit world, and a realization that much of what you have been told about the world and what reality is, has been a lie.You are waking up and being called to wake up for a purpose. It is like seeing the big picture.I believe it is saying you should not keep these things to yourself but to use your knowledge to shape the world and correct wrongs that you see.You can make a difference and the Native ancestors are calling you to action to make a difference.
Gonzo - 23-Jul-20 @ 8:53 PM
Looking for help with this dream interpretation.I dreamed I could hear many shamans chanting, but they were very far away and I was asleep in my dream.It was a beautiful melodious chant with rhythmn and song.I heard in the chant that I needed to wake.Then I was lucid in my dream and awake, and then I was awake and the chant continued for a short time until I was fully awake.I could see them at that point, it was a congregation of faces of Native American spirits.I understood in that moment that I was being asked to do something and I was awake to hear that.
Catamount - 5-May-20 @ 9:34 PM
Hey everyone. I had a dream of a Native American handing me a solid blue crystal knife. He had a head dress and was really red skinned almost like paint was on him. It felt like a gift in the dream. No words were said. He handed me the knife and I put it in a sheath on my side and didn’t see him once I looked back up
Cole - 14-Apr-20 @ 10:13 PM
I have been trying to figure this dream out as it is most definitely one of the most vivid dreams that i have ever had and has impacted me. I dreamed that i was sitting at a table outside in the morning time and there was a native american sitting across from me. He had two feathers in his hair and was chanting/singing and trying to converse with me. To my left was another Native American who was holding a piece of wood carved to a point, but the top was lit and smoke was coming from it, he was not paying attention to me, only to the other Native American across from me. Both of these Native Americans were chanting/singing and then the Native American holding the wood or whatever this was emitting smoke, held it up to the sky and then brought it back down and held briefly the hot burning tip to his nose, said something i could not understand and then inhaled the smoke still coming from this wood, he then passed it to the Native American that was across from me, the one that was conversing with me.They spoke something to eachother i could not understand it was not anything i know. The Native American conversing with me told me something very important in which i cannot remember, I just know he mentioned a wolf and it was like an analogy. After this they continued to sing/chant and I woke up. I am just trying to understand the meaning of this. Thank you for any guidance, the past year for me has been a very awakening period, so this is important. Thank you.
Farris - 4-Mar-19 @ 2:47 PM
I was wondering what heyoka means, when I was a kid there was a local band that was I guess semi famous in Texas named heyoka.
Besherta - 5-Feb-19 @ 10:32 PM
This happened over 20 years ago.It was around the time I was told of my Apache heritage on my fathers side. It was so real I even question if I was awake or asleep.I was laying in bed and opened my eyes.At the foot of my bed was a Native American man.He had a wolf head dress on, and white stripes painted on his chest and arms.He was waving his hand over me as if providing a blessing.He was speaking in a tongue I had never heard.The odd thing is I wasn’t afraid at all.I felt protected and his face expressed warmth.It was so comforting that I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.That was over 20 years ago and not a day goes by that I don’t think of it. What would you say was the interpretation of my dream?
ApacheLady - 30-Jan-19 @ 7:57 AM
I had a dream about two Native Indian boys who left their home and were lost. I found them, and I asked the eldest boy, who was about 9 years old, the youngest about 5, both had their face painted and dressed in traditional garb. As the eldest boy told me why he left his house (I don't remember the story), I could see a stairwell, taupe paint on the walls and handrails leading down the stairs. I envisioned them holding hands while going down the stairs with their face paint and garb on. They lived in an apartment building! I found them at the edge of the woods. There were other Native Indians around and there was a lot of hustle and bustle. I think I was just myself in my everyday clothes, hard to remember. I just knew I needed to help them find their way. I have no idea what any of this means.
Ace7 - 2-Jan-19 @ 3:03 AM
My dream happen in a cabin in Suches Georgia that was build by the Cherokee Indian, in my dream a weasel came to me and let me pet it and smell me,also never seen a weasel in my life I saw every detail of the animal and also called him the weasel first thing when I saw him approached.
Vic - 2-Nov-18 @ 1:01 AM
For about two weeks now I've had a recurring dream every night about being in the wilderness alone. As the sun begins to set a large grizzly bear appears in the distance and charges me. I pull out my knife and prepare to fight off the bear and just as the bear gets close enough to bite me a black wolf appears from behind me and leaps onto the bear fighting him off. I'm seeing all this as first person view and I stand there as the wolf protects me. After the bear retreats the wolf turns to me bows his head then lifts his head and howls. I have no idea what this dream means.
The Bootheel Kid - 12-Oct-18 @ 3:14 PM
Dream - Your Question:
I was at a powwow, my sister and her family were down. It was very stormy out, and the wind was strong. There was an invisible spirit trying to play and dance with my nephew Kali. He touched him a few times lifting him up while no one was looking but I caught it, I was able to get to him before it got worse. He had him in his hands, levitating the kid in the air lifting him up. He wouldn't go away. I ended up having to work faster, I had to smudge and say a prayer in each corner of their room. I found it, saw it last under the bed, it was black, shiny, Evil, scales, not regular skin, it looked shiny like a beetles skin, it looked like a demon. I saw it's eyes, and I had finished smudging and praying, It had long hands and a tall body like a man, it was smiling at me because it was still trying. It wanted my nephew Kali. The spirit didn't say nothing to me but it tried for a long time to get to my nephew.

Our Response:
The stormy sea and the spirit trying to get at your nephew means that you may have an underlying concern regarding your nephew or will have. Only you can figure out what that may be. Alternatively, it might be a dream that has no meaning apart from being a scary/nightmarish dream.
AnalyseDreams - 23-Jul-18 @ 2:45 PM
I was at a powwow, my sister and her family were down. It was very stormy out, and the wind was strong. There was an invisible spirit trying to play and dance with my nephew Kali. He touched him a few times lifting him up while no one was looking but I caught it, i was able to get to him before it got worse. He had him in his hands, levitating the kid in the air lifting him up. He wouldn't go away. I ended up having to work faster, I had to smudge and say a prayer in each corner of their room. I found it, saw it last under the bed, it was black, shiny, Evil, scales, not regular skin, it looked shiny like a beetles skin, it looked like a demon. I saw it's eyes, and I had finished smudging and praying, It had long hands and a tall body like a man, it was smiling at me because it was still trying. It wanted my nephew Kali. The spirit didn't say nothing to me but it tried for a long time to get to my nephew.
Dream - 21-Jul-18 @ 12:15 PM
I keep having nightmares about believe it or not freddy kruger and some monster following me and trying to go where I go. They are always together each time getting closer and closer. This lastime freddy spoke to me he said "only a dream" The creature was holding a bloodsoaked sweetgrass braid in one hand and a piece of pine in the other. What does it mean?
littlerunningdeer - 2-Jan-16 @ 8:21 PM
I dreamt there was a pow wow or some sort of festival in our town. My husband and I wanted to attend. I went to get my husband but I only found his glasses. Then I saw this beautifully dressed Indian walking down the street alone. He was wearing all black with a black head dress that touched the ground as he walked. I was in awe and felt I had to follow him. In my mind I thought he'd lead me to the event but I just kept following him, then I woke up. The next afternoon I took our trash outside to find a preying mantis sitting on top of the trash can. Any thoughts on this? I dream I just rarely remember them. Thank you in advance for your guidance.
Trace - 12-Sep-14 @ 2:25 AM
My dream was pretty weird. I met who I think was my ancestor. He looked like me yet native american. He had long hair pulled back in a pony tail and wide eyes. He even acted like me somewhat. I made a joke, he made a joke. He did a silly face, i did a silly face. And then what I don't get is he called me a Heyoka. I had a similar dream about heyoka earlier too. I really am confused could someone interpret this?
Shakalaka - 28-May-14 @ 9:16 PM
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